
Taylor Swift wint Artist Of The Decade-prijs op AMA’s

Written by on November 26, 2019

Taylor Swift wint Artist Of The Decade-prijs op AMA’s

Taylor Swift heeft de prijs gewonnen voor Artist Of The Decade bij de American Music Awards 2019 (24 november).

De ster werd geëerd tijdens de ceremonie in Los Angeles, waar ze de prijs kreeg van Caroline King na het uitvoeren van een carrièreomspannende set met behulp van Halsey en Camila Cabello.

Tijdens haar acceptatietoespraak sprak Swift over de liefde van haar ouders voor King door verschillende stadia van hun leven en hoe zij en haar broer opgroeiden met haar platen. “When I first fell in love with music, it was right around the time I first realised how marvellous it was that an artist could transcend so many changes and phases in people’s lives,” zei ze, waar ze aan toe voegde dat King’s muziek haar dat had geleerd.

“All any of the artists – or really anyone – in this room wants is to create something that will last, whatever it is in life,” ging ze verder. “The fact that this is an award that celebrates a decade of art and of hard work and of fun and of memories… All that matters to me is the memories that I’ve had with you guys, with the fans, over the years.

“Guys, we’ve had fun, incredible, exhilarating, extraordinary times together and may it continue. Thank you for being the reason why I am on this stage, from the very first day of my career until tonight. I love you with all of my heart. I’m so lucky I get to do this.”