
Este Haim is de ‘bass face’-meme zat

Written by on November 11, 2019

Este Haim is de ‘bass face’-meme zat

In een gesprek met NME spraken de Haim-zusters over het alledaagse seksisme waarmee ze nog steeds worden geconfronteerd in de muziekindustrie.

“People give us backhanded compliments, like, ‘Oh, wow, you can really play,’” zet Alana. “It’s like, ‘What? What the f*ck else would I be doing?’”

Este vervolgt: “I get, ‘I love that you don’t care what you look like when you play. I love that you don’t care what your face looks like when you play. I love that about you.

“God, thank you SO MUCH”, voegt ze er sarcastisch aan toe, “Like, F*CK. YOU.”

De expressieve manier waarop de zangeres bas speelt, heeft in de loop der jaren zijn eigen Twitter-account voortgebracht.

Este vervolgt: “That’s like a veiled way of saying you’re ugly or something. They wouldn’t say it to a dude, who’s feeling the music when he’s playing. Like, ‘You look ugly when you play.’ You’d never say it to John Mayer when he’s like “bleugh” when he’s playing, you know what I mean?”

Maar het is niet het enige dat Haim irriteert. “People always ask us when we’re going to have kids,” zegt Este. “‘When are you going to have kids and settle down?’ For men it’s the opposite, it’s like ‘Don’t settle down man. Life on the road, with all the women.’ But for us it’s like: ‘You’re 33. When are you gonna, like, have kids? Tick tock, tick tock.””

Alana voegt eraan toe: “For the longest time, there wasn’t a conversation about this. For ages, I was scared to say anything because people would just be like, ‘Come on, have a stiff upper lip, it’s fine’ and now it’s nice to feel like if I say ‘Hey, that’s f*cked up’ there are so many women in music who would be like, ‘Yeah man, that happened to me’ and just that sentence, ‘That sucks and that happened to me as well’, makes you not feel alone.”

Haim heeft twee nummers uitgebracht van hun aanstaande album, ‘Summer Girl’ en ‘Now I’m In It’.

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