
Charli XCX geeft uitleg over recente meet-and-greet controversie

Written by on November 4, 2019

Charli XCX geeft uitleg over recente meet-and-greet controversie

Charli XCX organiseert meet-and-greets voor fans tijdens tour-shows. Onderweg is haar gevraagd om te tekenen of poseren met een aantal niet-traditionele voorwerpen, waaronder de as van iemands dode moeder en, meer recent, een ‘douche’. Tweets met die foto’s zijn allebei viraal gegaan en hebben vraagtekens gewekt bij sommige fans.

In een recent interview met i-D sprak Charli over de foto van haar die de as vasthield: “Have you seen the picture of me online holding someone’s dead mum? Is it about that?! How mad,” zei ze. “The conversation was so quick and normal. It just flowed. First, he was like: ‘Hey! Release ‘Taxi,’ I’m so excited for the show – by the way, my mum passed away’. I said ‘I’m really sorry’, so he said ‘Don’t worry about it, can you just take a picture of you holding her ashes?’”

Charli besprak de recente meet-and-greet faux-controverse in een notitie op social media. “To fans who have rushed to my defense because of certain things that have happened at recent meet and greets – you are very sweet, but your concern is unwarranted,” schreef ze. “I haven’t commented on the more recent, possibly controversial goings on at meet and greats because these moments are not the ones I take away from spending time with my fans.” Ze vervolgde: “I don’t think about the pictures or the objects I sign. I don’t feel obliged to do anything. Sometimes I decline certain things and sometimes I don’t think twice about things.”

Charli sprak ook over de artikelen en reacties die suggereerden dat Charli er van streek uit zag op de foto’s: “These articles popping up about my meet and greets suggesting that fans are taking advantage/being abusive/using me for ‘online clout’ because of certain items that have been signed or brought along to meet and greets are just so ridiculous and pretentious,” schreef ze. “People writing these articles are guilty of exactly the same thing they are accusing fans of: these journalists are using the same images they condemn for taking as clickbait to push their ‘think pieces’ on me and my culture as an artist.”

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